It seems like 30 years ago, as I was beginning my entrepreneurial journey, multiple people said that education was broken and needed fixing. Since then, education has changed a whole bunch, but it still has a long way to go.
As an emerging leader in the temporary (aka substitute) teaching arena, I would like to shake things up. Big time. And I need your help to make it happen.
Our children need quality teachers. Our children need teachers who INSPIRE. Our children need capable substitutes so that every single day can be a productive learning experience. Shaking things up, means equipping our teachers with the knowledge and skills to allow them to be the best teacher that they can be.
This can be achieved by providing targeted training and ongoing professional development for our teachers. This training will come through a partnership with the Teacher Retention Project. The Teacher Retention Project’s mission is to provide Arizona’s most effective teachers with resources, support, and recognition to ensure they make a long-term commitment to the classroom ensuring our students receive a quality education. In alignment with that mission, TRP will be providing training in preparation, instruction, and classroom environment. In addition, TRP will support on the ground through individualized coaching in an effort to develop both the instructional and content domains. Together, we will ensure that all substitute teachers are prepared to successfully instruct and manage classroom conduct.
Our goal is that our teachers are able to be a part of the schools and communities where they instruct and that the substitute teaching experience is an opportunity for passionate individuals to make a difference in the life of a child. Deciding to spend one day a week in the classroom for a motivated, caring individual can make a big difference in our schools. Substitute teaching is an excellent way to give back to the community and create memorable moments for both substitute teachers and their students. For more information please see our website at http://www.teachersoncallaz.com.
Dan Nienhauser
Executive Director
Teachers On Call Arizona
As an emerging leader in the temporary (aka substitute) teaching arena, I would like to shake things up. Big time. And I need your help to make it happen.
Our children need quality teachers. Our children need teachers who INSPIRE. Our children need capable substitutes so that every single day can be a productive learning experience. Shaking things up, means equipping our teachers with the knowledge and skills to allow them to be the best teacher that they can be.
This can be achieved by providing targeted training and ongoing professional development for our teachers. This training will come through a partnership with the Teacher Retention Project. The Teacher Retention Project’s mission is to provide Arizona’s most effective teachers with resources, support, and recognition to ensure they make a long-term commitment to the classroom ensuring our students receive a quality education. In alignment with that mission, TRP will be providing training in preparation, instruction, and classroom environment. In addition, TRP will support on the ground through individualized coaching in an effort to develop both the instructional and content domains. Together, we will ensure that all substitute teachers are prepared to successfully instruct and manage classroom conduct.
Our goal is that our teachers are able to be a part of the schools and communities where they instruct and that the substitute teaching experience is an opportunity for passionate individuals to make a difference in the life of a child. Deciding to spend one day a week in the classroom for a motivated, caring individual can make a big difference in our schools. Substitute teaching is an excellent way to give back to the community and create memorable moments for both substitute teachers and their students. For more information please see our website at http://www.teachersoncallaz.com.
Dan Nienhauser
Executive Director
Teachers On Call Arizona